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What would you like to see in freecol Version 2.0.0 / Colonization II ?
Promoting Colonists:
An Expert Teacher that can train up Indians, Servants and Criminals to be Free Colonists at twice the speed.
Have a Preacher promote Petty Criminals to Indentured Servants after sufficient Cross production through ‘repention of sins’.
Train appropriate pupil e.g. an Expert Lumberjack in a Schoolhouse should teach a colonist cutting wood.

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What would you like to see in freecol Version 2.0.0 / Colonization II ?
50% less migration for the Dutch to compensate for their Merchantman and high Commodity Prices.
Have a Portuguese Power.
Have Portuguese special advantage of increased conversion of Indians.
Have Portuguese special advantage of peace between Spain and Portugal until set year.
Confine Portuguese to East of certain longitude line and Spanish West of certain longitude line until set year by order of the Pope!
Have a Swedish Power.
Have a Russian Power on the West Coast.
Have the Chinese and Japanese on the West Coast.
Have an Islamic Power of Granada.

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What would you like to see in freecol Version 2.0.0 / Colonization II ?
Indians come to you to trade.
Indian v. Indian wars, especially if allied to European Powers at war.
Name Indian Villages when visited e.g. Tenochitilan.
Extend the GO command to go to specific locations like Indian villages.
Capture big Indian cities, then maintain population and 2 MP colony radius.
Click on village to get report on trade and skills after Scout has visited.
Missionary report on trade and skills in village.

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What would you like to see in freecol Version 2.0.0 / Colonization II ?
Captured Soldiers that become POW's especially Veterans.
Colonists, Infantry and Cavalry should sometimes surrender especially petty criminals. Tools, Muskets and Horses can remain with them.
Colonies should sometimes Surrender when food runs out.
Soldiers should sometimes die.
Have Mercenaries e.g. Hessians in different uniforms only available from Europe.
Other powers should have to fight for independence.
Ghost workers displaced by siege instead of putting them all in the Carpenters Shop so when the enemy is destroyed they can go straight back to work.
Boarders like in Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri i.e. land closest to your colony is yours. Enemies can’t cross or build in your territory during peace.
Auto-fire artillery on land units.

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What would you like to see in freecol Version 2.0.0 / Colonization II ?
Name ships.
Build ships on lakes.
Have Caravels, Merchantmen and Frigates sail up major rivers.
Capture enemy ships.
Marines to capture other ships, fight off boarders and captures coastal and island Colonies.
10% ship insurance ‘tax’ for ships lost on high seas at higher game levels.

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What would you like to see in freecol Version 2.0.0 / Colonization II ?
Random events like fires and hurricanes.
De la Salle should halve the lumber cost for a Stockade instead of building a Stockade in every 3+ colony.
Sell Salted Fish to Europe for a tidy profit.
Have higher prices for Silver.
Production Queue.
More cut scenes (first dry-dock - first cathedral).
Storage capacity visible on the map screen.
Add more storage extensions or abolish the limit!!!
Implement upkeep cost. But reduce tax rate increase to compensate.

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Others on the Web have been petitioning for a remake of Colonization. This poll is an effort to help them out. Do you think Colonization should be remade and updated?

72% 	Yes, Definitely remake it. I would pay up to £40 ($66)
16%	Yes, remake it. I would pay up to £30 ($50)
4%	Yes, remake it. I would pay up to £20 ($33)
5%	Yes, remake it, but make it as cheap as you can! I don't need it that much.
3%	Don't bother remaking it - it's great as a 
1%	Colonization? RIP.
Vote and Current Results