[ Try getting Adam Smith into the Congress as soon as possible to build an Iron Works, +50% output for free. And get an expert Ore Miner and Blacksmith as soon as tools start getting too expensive in Europe. Always build your colonies with one Hill or Mountain square for mining. I wrote a specifically changed America map with ore square for New York and Baltimore so you can build Colonies in historic locations. The trade system should allow you to transport some but not all tools from a high tool colony to a low tool colony allowing the former colony to continue building. ]
[ I have a special AI section. The Portuguese would make game play more interesting with an extra power especially as one withdraws and make the game historically accurate, Brazil is a big country. freecol has 8 slots for networked multiplayer powers, I don't know if they intend to allow you to play as the Indians as well. ]
[ I like the alliance system in Alpha Centauri it's better that weak powers try to ally with you. What I don't like in the alien terrain, wonders and technology but that's the game! Also I can't work out how to get my squares producing enough food for growth. ]
[ The problem is you have Hammers and Tools and you often get shortages or overload with one or the other thus forcing you to micromanage. ]
[ I have already posted that you should be able to click on a Indian Village and get a report of trade goods demanded and skills taught from the date the scout last visited it, it may be out of date of course. There is an Indian Village Chart that you can print out and note the locations, skills and trade goods demanded of the Indian Villages. The go to command could then send Colonists to named villages to get trained. Names are especially important for the big villages (cities really) like Tenochitilan and Cuzco. ]
[ If you play at the easiest level (Discoverer) you do get help. ]
[ There's a picture of Jeff Briggs who co-wrote the game and composed the music on the sites main page under Authors. I quite like the music though new music would make a change. You can play the music using the Colonization Dukebox in the download section if you can get your sound card working. ]
[ Founding Fathers are the research really. You get Continental units, Man-o-War and King's Regulars during the War of Independence. ]
[ Yes it is a bit stupid. But horses should need fodder so an upper limit on what each Colony can accept is realistic. Also you could float logs down rivers to colonies like they did on the St. Lawrence saving you a wagon train. ]
[ I'm afraid freecol have already implemented a 3D map you can see screenshots at their site. I prefer 2D too. ]