The Unofficial Sid Meier's Colonization PC Game Home Page - Published: 1994
NEW Game Cards below from packaging. Site launched: 4th July 1998 - Site Updated Jul13, Jan13, Dec12, Jan12-Aug12, Jan11, Oct06, Jan06-Aug06, Dec05, Nov05, Mar05, Feb05 |
Vintage Computer Games on eBay:
Great Empire Building Games:
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The game requires Liberty Bells to make Founding Fathers in the Congress and improve Colony Production efficiency. You can put an Elder Statesman (x2) or Free Colonist in the Town Hall to make Liberty Bells. A Printing Press when built generates +50% Liberty Bells, and a Newspaper makes it up to +100%. Check:
Pictures of Buildings. Some
Political Founding Fathers further increase Sons of Liberty membership (SOL).
The March of Liberty Legal and Revolutionary Texts including the
Declaration of Independence, and |
Colonization Manual (pdf) [1756 KB] - On-line, to Save, or for Printing. Guaranteed to Download! |
I have played now and then since 1994 but never known how my high score compares to others.
So today I browsed on-line and saw your homepage and realised it´s not only me that is putting all these hours into a 20 year old game.
There are plenty of them!
Todays end was defenitly not my best but a good average I took 2 print screen but did not close the game.
Do you also want my save file? Which one? I send all 3 files recently changed.
I am from Sweden and my english hasn't been used much since the last 20 years when I played colonize instead of going to school. ;-)
Thank you and regards     [Spellchecked]
![]() Buy Civilization II Game from Amazon. Conflicts in Civilization - has 20 Scenarios and a Scenario Editor for Civilization II including:
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The Sailors liked to 'Dance a Merry Jig' like the 'Hornpipe'. There are also stirring Songs like 'Heart of Oak'. They got a 'Tot of Rum' every day, made from Sugar. The Royal Navy:
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My Favourite BooksScience Fiction, Adventure, and History Books.Book List with Pictures of Exciting Book Covers.
The City and the Stars book is about the last city on Earth where people are retrieved from the Eternity Circuits in the Hall of Creation to live 1,000 years and go back again to live once more later. The city is run by a giant Computer and Robots and the Eternity circuits ensure it stands for ever.
Foundation's Friends in Honour of Isaac Asimov.
Trantor Falls Acrobat pdf file.
Foundation by Isaac Asimov.
The Second Foundation Trilogy, Books set in Isaac Asimov's Universe:
Authorised by the Estate of
Isaac Asimov, by Greg Bear.
Foundation's Friends -
HAL's Legacy by
Arthur C. Clarke -
How close are we to a Sentient Computer like in '2001: A Space Odyssey' (1968).
Jeffrey Archer has some books with very interesting titles: 'Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less', 'Kane and Abel' (about a Pole who makes it big as a Chicago Hotel Chain Owner), 'First Among Equals', and a few more that might be of interest to People. Quite Imaginative. Apparently He knows a lot of People so that helps.
My Favourite Videos Including:
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with questions, material, and comments at: |
Colonization Manual (pdf) [1756 KB] -
On-line, to Save, or for Printing.
Guaranteed to Download! 'Right Click' Mouse on document and select 'Print' to print. |
Buy Colonization
 here. It works under XP. |
For some reason Microprose never made Colonization II [Civilization IV: Colonization has come out!]. Probably because it was not as popular as Civ. and because they didn't know what to do about the glaring absence of slaves. They're damned if they do and they're damned if they don't. If they put them in they're racist's. If they didn’t 90% of fans spew saying it isn't historically accurate. In England at least trade ships sailed from Europe (with trade goods) to Africa (for Slaves) to America (for Tobacco etc...). There is no Africa docks screen. At one point 50% of the population of the English Colonies were Slaves. There is very little scope for adding new features too. Sid had very little input into the game, and it was rushed out, an extra months work and play testing might have improved it greatly. |
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The March of Liberty
details many key events in the Colonization of the Americas: Religious, Political, and Economic. With links to important documents.
The Continental Congress
- Founding Fathers:
Lost New York runs using HTML TADS Interpreter 3 |
New York City, New York State - one of the Great Cities of the World.
Site of Interest: (1) The Battery Park, (2) The Brooklyn Bridge, (3) Central Park, (4) Empire State Building and Grand Central Station, (5) Wall Street, (6) Pennsylvania Station, going to Carolina, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Long Island, and New Jersey.
Other attractions include the Statue of Liberty [built 1886] (on Liberty Island), Ellis Island [1892-1954] (were European Immigrants came in), the United Nations Building (in the Upper East Side, next to Queens Borough Bridge), and lots of Museums. And New Style Taxis, Hotels, Bloomingdale's Department Store, Staten Island Ferry, and JFK Airport on Long Island. 'the El' or Subway Train Network has several branches including the Hudson Line, Harlem Line, New Haven Line, New Canaan Branch, and Danbury Branch.
As an aside, it is known Randolph and Mortimer from the Trading Place's Movie live by the Hudson River, in the West Bronx Borough. New York City is also home to Marvel Comics: Superman, Spiderman, Johnny Voltaire etc...
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Other Websites by Webmaster with FREE Games![]() ![]() BoerWar.scn, alt_ww1.scn, thereich.scn, alt_ww79.scn, alt_rules.txt,,, tips
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I am named David Magnus Ledgard for the Patron Saints and Wales, and Scandinavia (including the Shetland, and Orkney Isles) respectively. My Father worked as a Methodist Minister in Shetland around 1970. He is from Yorkshire. My Mother was brought up in Yorkshire but is half Welsh, and half London. And we have an Irishman in the family who came to Yorkshire during the Potato Famine from the County of Leitrim, in Southern Ireland. The name Ledgard is of Norman French origin, Anglicized during one of our numerous Wars with France ending with the Napoleonic Wars. It means 'Keeper of the Keep' - their Job was to raise and lower the Drawbridge and Portcullis which protected the entrance to the Castle. A Portcullis is on the 1 Pence Coin. William I (the Conquer - as Duke of Normandy) was the First King in the British Royal Family. In 1066 at the Battle of Hastings (in East Sussex) he beat the Anglo-Saxon King Harold II. Who had just repelled the Viking King Harold Harade at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, Fulford near York; and force marched his men to Southern England. King William was Crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1066. And the Normans soon built a network of Motte and Bailey Wooden Castles up and down the Country. Founding Newport SE Wales, and Newcastle as frontier Towns. The Tower of London in East London on the Thames was built as a Royal Castle for the King and his entourage. Later Castles were rebuilt in Stone, as were new Cathedrals and Monasteries. I had a friend called Sleigh (a Norman Foot Soldier) who worked as a High Level Computer Programmer for battery monitoring equipment which a two PIC Microcontrollers on each battery. One read the battery Ampage, the other Rx and Tx signals down a fibre optic loop to a Psion Computer that reported if the battery was faulty. He likes going the café and is from East London, and a bit of a Geezer. He says there aren't any houses for local people to move in to to start a family in London. My Brother Jonathan looks a lot like the TV personality Frasier, and seems to have 1/3 Norman Blood which makes his strong and confident, while being decent and compassionate, re-emerging from a Ancestor way back when buried in the DNA.
My Genome, by David Magnus Ledgard:
Peoples who have excelled in the Fields of Invention, Culture, and Manufacturing:
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There are 7 levels of programmers:
I myself am a Middle-High Level Programmer, when I can be bothered to push myself. The industry standard in Object-Orientated C++, but Quick BASIC (without line numbers) is considered somewhat better, and much more elegant.
There are also two other important jobs:
What are WizKids???
You may have noticed there have been a lot of Intel Microprocessor types coming out lately. Here is a list of some of the IBM Clone PC (Personnel Computer) Chipsets by Intel:
Currently there are 10 Million Computers with a Base Unit, Keyboard, Mouse, and Monitor of type Pentium IV, and Core Multi-processors in Warehouses in the East, and the United States of America. As Computers use a lot of Rare Metals it seems a waste that they aren't used, or sold at a knock down price. There have been endless Laptops made which have very little Software on them. Just film websites, and office programmes. There seems to be a desperate shortage of Software, and 2D and Strategy Computer Games. FEW NEW COMPUTERS are being sold because people might forget their passwords stored in "cookies", and they have to copy all files across - either by going to the Computer Shop, or using the Read/Write CD-ROM (Compact Disk ROM). Remember you can order a Proper Computer with Big Screen and Keyboard from DELL off the internet with a Base Unit. Don't Forget to Buy a Manual from for example in e.g. BASIC Programming. The well known and liked Micro-Computers the Commodore 64, and BBC Micro where 8-bit (1-byte) Computers. This meant they could have Colour 0-255. 16-bit (2-byte, or Word) Computers like the very popular Commodore Amiga could have richer Colour 0-65536. 32-bit (4-byte, or Longword) Windows PC Computers could have xxRRGGBB ($00-$FF) Red-Green-Blue Colour. Which can make Red (xxFF0000) for example or any mix of Colours. The Nintendo 64 has 64-bit (8-byte, or Octbyte) i.e.. 4 x 16 lines on it's custom built chip. No 128-bit Computer ever seems to have been made as it is 'inconceivable and 'near infinitely complex'. Networks of Transputer Computer Chips can be connected together to make a super-computer with Parallel Processing. Used to make Computer Graphics and Films like 'toystory'.
The Microprocessor I learned consisted of a ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit), RAM (Read Only Memory), and Control Unit (which processed Op-codes, the Accumulator, and the Status Register). The BASIC programme itself could be stored in ROM (Read Only Memory), now most of it is on the Hard Disk Drive. The 3.5" floppy disk has fallen out of use, as did the 5.25" drive before it. Example Op-codes (also known as Mnemonics by some people - written perfectly by some very clever and thoughtful Computer Scientists) include:
Variables are required to Run a Computer Programme:
There is also a Status Register with Flags like Division by Zero Error (if this happens the computer crashes); Carry (if two 8-bit numbers are added they might go one to make a 9-bit number - this is stored in the Carry Bit); Branch (Equal, or NOT Equal - for the IF/THEN/ELSE Statement). A letter can be stored as an 8-bit Number (0-255) in ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange): 0-31 are control codes like 7 for the BELL sound, or 13 for Carriage Return; 32 is Space; 48-57 is 0-9; 65-89 is A-Z; 97-116 is a-z (+32, or twiddle bit 6 to TRUE). C is good at bit twiddling. As an interesting point of Mathematics and Physics it is said that 1/0 (one divided by 0) has no meaning or is infinite!!!!! ROM's (Read Only Memory):
The BASIC Programming Language [Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Language] was designed by Dartmouth Naval College New England. What Happened to the Old COMPUTER MANUAL? It used to tell you how to do all types of things on a Computer. The Electronic One is hardly ever Read. It was the Computer Programmers BIBLE. For BASIC, Pascal, Windows 95...
There are two famous BASIC programmes for Beginners, or Quick BASIC if you use labels and not line numbers, it compiles as it runs i.e. a run-time language: Ready. RUN 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD." 20 GOTO 10 10 FOR I = 1 TO 10 20 PRINT I 30 NEXT I 10 PRINT "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?" 20 INPUT A$ 30 PRINT "HELLO ", A$, " WOULD YOU LIKE A NICE GAME OF TIC-TAC-TOE?" 40 INPUT B$ 50 IF B$ = "N" THEN GOTO 10 10 LET A$="A" 20 LET B$="M" IF A$ > B$ THEN PRINT "WRONG" ELSE PRINT "CORRECT" 5 REM ROMAN TO DECIMAL PROGRAMME 10 A$="MMXII" 20 L=LEN(A$) 30 X$=LEFT$(A$,2) 35 X=LEN(X$) 40 Y$=MID$(A$,X,X+1) 45 Y=LEN(Y$) 50 Z=L-(X+Y) 60 Z$=RIGHT$(A$,Z) 70 PRINT "STRING = ", X$, " + ", Y$, "+", Z$ Or if you are more Adventurous, try writing a Text Adventure Game for a BOOK: Tim Hartnell - Master Gamesman (For Most Popular Home Computers That Use Basic). "Creating Adventure Games On You Computer". I won this book in a COMP98 Interactive Fiction On-Line Completion for 'space_st.z5'. | ||
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About Webmaster plus Favourite CD's.
On-line, to Save, or for Printing. Guaranteed to Download! 'Right Click' Mouse on document and select 'Print' to print. A great help in learning the game, and the history of the time. Where you can buy a Second Hand Copy of Colonization for peanuts using paypal. You might be lucky and get one with a Manual, just get an old Amiga Version. Type 'colonization' in the Search Box. | ||
Aside: Christopher Columbus, Genoese Explorer, discovered some of the Islands in the West Indies in 1492. So named because he thought he had gone all the way around the World to some outlying Islands off India, not realising there was a Continent in between. Financed by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain (Aragon and Castile). He died in 1506 in Valladolid, Spain - never seeing the American Continental mainland. |
The March of Liberty: From Absolute Rule by One to Universal Suffrage for All. |
Aiming to become Colonization 2.0.0 Freecol site about a clone of Colonization currently at Version 0.10.5
Suggested Improvements for the future Freecol Version 2.0.0 / Colonization II | |
General Improvements. | |
The Teacher should train up Indian Converts, Indentured Servants and Petty Criminals to become Free Colonists. | |
The Portuguese should be added. | May be other Powers should be added. |
The Indians should be improved. | Slaves and Plantations should be added. |
The Computer A.I. should be improved. | |
Army tactics should be improved. | The Naval tactics should be improved. |
The Commodity Prices should be made more realistic, and you should be able to sell Fish. | |
Have the Preacher promote Pretty Criminals by allowing them to 'repent'. | |
Others on the Web have been petitioning for a remake of Colonization. This poll is an effort to help them out. Do you think
Colonization should be remade and updated?
72% Yes, Definitely remake it. I would pay up to £40 ($66) 16% Yes, remake it. I would pay up to £30 ($50) 4% Yes, remake it. I would pay up to £20 ($33) 5% Yes, remake it, but make it as cheap as you can! I don't need it that much. 3% Don't bother remaking it - it's great as a 1% Colonization? RIP.Vote and Current Results Note: Civilization IV: Colonization (2008), by Firaxis Games is out now, as the update to Microprose Colonization (1994). |
Colonization Authors. Game Published 1994. | ||||
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Interview with Sid Meier about Colonization |
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Piece about Sid and Colonization | ||||
Sid Meier co-author of Colonization. '[Colonization] was based, in some philosophical way, on Civilization, although it added a lot of new things.' | Foreword from the Official Colonization Strategy Guide by Sid Meier and Jeff Briggs. |
Brian Reynolds co-author of Colonization |
Douglas Caspian-Kaufman co-author of Colonization | Jeff Briggs co-author and composer for Colonization, and CEO Firaxis Games. |
Edited highlights of the now deceased Colonization listbot mailing list.
Store and Major Links |
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![]() | eBay UK or eBay US. Where you can buy a second hand copy of Colonization for peanuts using paypal. You might be lucky and get one with a manual. Just type 'colonization' in the search box. | Game Trading Zone. Where you can buy a second hand copy of Colonization. You might be lucky and get one with a manual. |
Lucasian Chair of Mathematics, Cambridge University |
Famous holders of the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics include:
Check: Articles of interest dealing with Science, Maths and Engineering.
Webmaster pictured with Babbage's Difference Engine No. 2, at the Science Museum, London. A primitive Victorian Mechanical Computer made to calculate logarithms for navigation. It never worked as Victorian Engineering wasn't precise and cheap enough but the design was sound and has been proved to be correct.
Quantum Gravity (QG) is the field of theoretical physics which attempts to develop scientific models that unify Quantum Mechanics (describing three of the four known fundamental interactions) with General Relativity (describing the fourth, Gravity). It is hoped that the development of a Unified Field Theory could unite: Electro-Magnetism, Gravity, and Nuclear Forces.
Other material by Webmaster | |
All good Computer Games have been written. But the best older and oldest ones are NOT being re-published when the computer game shops are shutting. There aren't many new Movies to make anymore. As the best have already been made. Using many 1000's of hours of love, and effort. HMV Store have a very good selection of Videos. Science is nearly Complete. There is very little left to be researched or discovered.
Microsoft Windows 7 works OK but has a few glichs.
Another Point: Windows XP has a VERY GOOD 'Windows Media Player' for playing and copying CD tracks. You can load it in the following way:
![]() God save the KING! The Webmaster outside Buckingham Palace, London.
E-Mail Webmaster with questions, material, and comments:
About Webmaster
interesting books about Science Fiction, Adventure, and History. With exciting book covers. Before Microcomputers (early 1980's) there was Science Fiction. The stories exercise the mind, and explore possible alternative Universes.
I have lived in a converted Tenement Building for quite a few years, with 12 other Residents. It is for people with Middle Level Mental Health Problems. In Portsmouth, which is a bit like the Old Eastend used to be as it is on a built up Island.
Many Colonists fled to the American Colonies seeking Religious, or Economic Freedom e.g. the Puritans in New England, the Quakers in Pennsylvania, and the English Catholics of Maryland. Some of them Sailed from Portsmouth. 'Indentured Servants' were given passage on a Ship in return for 7 Years Indentured Labour. A lot of German Blood came in to open up new Territories e.g. the Waltons, and has now breed into part German blood.
German Expert Silver Miners for example were sent for, as they knew how to Mine Silver. The 'Holy Roman Empire' (a lose collection of German Speaking States, and Principalities) having a little Silver at that time. It is now all mined out.
Also some of my Great Grandfathers relatives emigrated to near Chicago as Master Weavers. Having learned their trade in Yorkshire.
Clean Nuclear Fusion Power, Moonbase, and Mining Near earth Asteroids |
Famous Mathematicians and Philosophers |
The British Amateur Electronics Club |
These articles may be of some interest: B.A.E.C. Archive. The Club was set up in South Wales in 1966, and posted a quarterly Newsletter. Advertising in Everyday Electronics, and Elektor Electronics Hobbyist Magazines. It had members from all over the British Isles, plus a few foreigners, and ex-pat Engineers. The Newsletter was printed in several Colours, different for each year. |
The Core - How the Earth Makes and Recycles Goods and Resources |
As you probably know the earth is mined for products like Coal, Iron, Steel (3 times stronger than Iron), Oil, Plastic etc... The New Goods arrive from the Mine or Oil Well and are manufactured into finished products which are sold. When they have been used up as Food or Drink Packaging; Old Automobiles, Fridges, Freezers, washing Machines etc... they then go back to a 'store'. Some of them come out again as new product components, like parts for new Computers, and other Information Technology / Consumer Electronic equipment. The are currently 190 'Procurement Facilities' , or P.F.'s in the World. Old items are collected by a Van, and new items arrive as a Coal Train, Transport Ship, or a different van. There clearly can't be an infinite amount of anything to mine, and Rubbish Dumps that never get full to over flowing. So the old Rubbish must come around again as new Bits. One P.F. can also make heat for warmth for geographical regions it is near like New York City, or London. These Cities seem to have enough power for Housing, Industry, Street Lighting, and Mass Transit Systems. There seems to be a lot of Electricity in the World. The Earth's Mantle makes Heat which generates Photons. These can be captured to amplify Electricity. The Core can make lots of Electricity especially for the 10,000's of Towers that are being built in the World and China, and less so in India. Which all require Light, Televisons and Internet Connections. There always seem to be enough Aluminium Cans in the Shop. So they must be collected from the bins, and remade. Synthesizers make Oil from Carbon in the Earth's Atmosphere, and 10% from the Earth. The first one appeared in 1920, and a lot came along during and a bit after WWII. They are the rooted types made by God. Most people can't see them because they are on a alternate Earth. New computerised ones are appearing as half the old Rooted ones are dying. The new ones require an operator to work them to find the best Carbon locations. The Oil is made in countries that don't have enough Oil. The Oil from the Gulf is transported half way around the World which you'd think would require ALL the Oil in the tanks in the ship to get there. So their must be an additional power source to drive the ship.
It is believed two Black Holes can link together because they have a Singularity at their centre, and pass information but not matter. There may be many micro-Black Holes in the Universe, even close to Earth. Two Black Holes linked together are called a Wormhole. Reference: 'The Visual Encyclopaedia of Science Fiction' [1977]. Science says the Universe was created by a Singularity. It seeded 10 further Singularities, that can make things. The Earth, the Stars, and the Planets were then created. A Quantum Singularity is "like a black hole, only portable, and with a cooler name." In the scientific sense they are massive, localized distortions of space and time. They are incredibly complex can Warp Space. They are virtually invisible to anyone who isn't linked to one. There may be 1000's of them that work in groups of 2, 10, 20, or more.
Note: Type '' to get full page without Menu for Printing.
Click on the Globe to see where other Colonization Fans come from.