
Upgrades and Patches .SAV Scenarios Maps Utilities American Colonial Flag The French and Indian War East India Company FAQ's Translations
FREE Downloads of Colonization Game and Manual
  • Underdogs Site: Download Colonization 10Mbyte and Manual.

  • Put all ZIPPED files in directory c:/mps/colonize and click on colonize.bat to run. Get four ColIcons for your desktop at Utilities.
  • freecol V0.10.1 - Colonization II plus Suggested Improvements Section.
    Moonbase - construct a self sufficient base on the Moon, similarities to Colonization, free Download.
    Kenn Miller writes:
  • "I just wanted to let the community know that it is possible to play Colonization on a Mac with Virtual PC. I just bought the game from eBay and thought I would try it. Has no bugs, works great, and very easy to use."
  • E-mail me any downloads not here to the Webmaster. All files are ZIPed up with WinZip available free from

    Upgrades and Patches
    IMPORTANT!!!!! If your game doesn't work in Windows 95/98, before wasting time downloading an upgrade first try:
    Clicking on the Start Button -> Programs -> MS-DOS Prompt
    or to get the MS-DOS Prompt for XP: Start Button -> RUN -> "cmd"
    then type:
    cd mps
    cd colonize
    and it should run. This works for 80% of errors. If you're feeling lazy just download this colonize.bat MS-DOS batch file put it in your c:/windows directory and then when you go to the MS-DOS prompt all your have to do is type c to run the game.

    Colonization Version 3.0 Upgrade (391Kbytes)
    Upgrades Colonization to Version 4.0, note you must have bought Version 3.0 already. The Microprose server tends to get overloaded so if the download doesn't work now try it later.
    Version 4.0 Readme. This upgrade provides a Map Editor. To run it from Windows:
    Click on Start then select Programs and MS-DOS Prompt or to get the MS-DOS Prompt for XP: Start Button -> RUN -> "cmd" then type:
    Then type:
    CD MPS

    Map Editor for DOS (73Kbytes)
    Will work with either DOS or Windows versions (same one that comes with above).

    Windows 3.1 Upgrade (485Kbytes)
    Upgrades the Windows 3.1 Version to Windows 95/98.

    CD Error Fix (2Kbytes)
    This is a fix for the CD-ROM Windows version of Colonization that generates the error:
    "could not find cd volume colonize._cd c:\mps\colonize"
    If this error appears when attempting to start the game, simply download this new COLONIZE.COM file and copy it to your Colonization directory on your hard-drive (usually C:\MPS\COLONIZE).
    Please note: This file applies ONLY to the CD-ROM version of the game! (38Kbytes)
    A zipped up version of the file wing.dll that some fans report needing to run the game. If you need it you will get an error message requesting it. Place in the c:/windows directory.

    Scenario Downloads
    Colony04-07.sav (25Kbytes)
    This scenario has the major Colonial cities of each power, in their correct locations. It gives a good insight into the history of the Americas, the Spanish do conquer the Aztecs and Incas, but their Empire is so large it is unmanageable and remains severely underdeveloped. The Dutch only have 3 Colonies so become highly developed but ultimately fall to the greater power of the other powers. English America is divided in two by the Dutch, and contained in the West by the French, the South concentrates of agriculture having no mineral resources, the North Industrializes, the Islands remain underdeveloped and military vulnerable due to their distance and isolation from major roads. The French can expand West but must protect themselves from the English, many of their Colonies are deep in land/sea and difficult to reach especially without roads, and with many enemy units about. It is very important to get the ore squares in the North East, otherwise your cities will be without tools and will fail to grow, or defend themselves.

    The files are called Colony0n.sav, and must be put in the c:\mps\colonize directory. Then load them from slots 5-8 when in Colonization, they will be called after each nation, and dated Spring 1492 (the 1600's would be more accurate but the scenario editor isn't very good).

    Jeff Lindequist has kindly decided to merge the contents of his Colonization site into this site for the benefit of Colonization fans. Find below two scenarios written by him. You can also find a lot of material written by him in the Sent in Tips section. To install his scenarios just rename them colony00.sav or colony01.sav and copy them into the c:/mps/colonize directory. Then load as normal, beware they overwrite old saved files.
    eng1512.sav (7.2Kbytes)
    In this scenario you play the English who have only one Colony with limited resources. This is very difficult as you are at war with neighbouring Indian Tribes and close to other European Powers who are stronger than you.
    neworld.sav (10Kbytes)
    In this scenario you play a well developed power readying itself to fight a War of Independence.

    Map Downloads
    To Install:
    1. Unzip and copy the new map (.mp) into the Colonize directory (usually c:/mps/colonize)
    2. Start the game and choose "Start a Game in AMERICA" then "Map Editor"
    If a map of that name is already in the directory either rename or backup one of the maps.
    [FEB05] Marla Singer from the CivFanatics Colonization Forum has created a map of North America, from the St Lawrence river and the great Lakes in the North to the Yucatan peninsula and the Great Caribbean’s (Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico) in the South. She has edited the Tribe file and the Names file in order to play with American Natives accurately located. The new Natives are :

    • Algonquins (replacing Apaches)
    • Chippewa’s (replacing Sioux)
    • Seminoles (replacing Tupis)
    • Mayas (replacing Incas)
    Iroquois, Cherokees, Arawaks and Aztecs are still there... except that Aztecs are now located in Louisiana (sorry I didn't know what to do with them). (8Kbytes)
    Original Map of the Americas with ore squares for New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore so you can build these historic cities which require a lot of tools to build. (2Kbytes).
    Patrick Minton has created a map of the Eastern U.S. including Nova Scotia, the Great Lakes, the Mississippi, Florida and Bermuda. (2Kbytes).
    John D Dilley has created a map consisting of one continent going from pole to pole with an unnavigable sea in the centre. (2Kbytes). Download the ZIP into the c:/mps/colonize directory.
    Andrew F. Oldbath has created the following maps: - map of the Asia-Pacific region. Includes Australia, New Zealand, the Dutch East Indies, China and Japan. The colonization of Australia and New Zealand was much like that of America, only a bit later and with different commodities. - map with several islands of different terrain e.g. all desert. - map of Europe and the Mediterranean. Turn the tables on history and colonize Europe.
    They are all in one ZIP file - (5Kbytes)
    Download the ZIP into the c:/mps/colonize directory.

    Florian Heise has created the following maps:

    Islands Map - A map in which you must fight for the control of different islands.
    South Stradebroke Map - A map of South Stradebroke island on the east coast of Australia just off the Gold Coast.
    Oasis Map - Only one island in the new world has ore. You must control it or all is ruined.
    Flat Map - A very simple map where you must fight for control of a small island. The only island in the world.
    All maps come with an installation program so no file editing is required. If anything goes wrong just run the recovery.bat program included in the ZIP and it will restore your original set-up.

    They are all in one ZIP file - (7Kbytes)
    Download the ZIP into the c:/mps/colonize directory.

    Justin Cass, Home Page: Age of Empires Archive has created the modified America maps. Between the two of them, the changes made are as follows:
  • High Seas Areas Enlarged
  • Greenland Added
  • Antarctica Added
  • Bermuda Added
  • Remote Pacific Islands Added
  • Rivers Navigable by sea
  • Falkland Islands, and Victoria Island can now support Colonies
  • The only difference between the two is that in, only major rivers are now part of the sea; which includes the opening of the Amazon, part of the Mississippi, and St. Lawrence Waterway, leading into the Great Lakes.
    In, ALL rivers are part of the sea, which is somewhat more realistic.

    I was inspired to make these additions to the America map, mostly because I thought it would add to the game's realism. These rivers played an important part of the game. If it weren't for the Hudson River, the Dutch may have never built New Amsterdam. If it weren't for the Mississippi River, France would've never claimed Louisiana, and it may have never become part of the United States. And the Amazon, the St. Lawrence, and others have all played important parts in the discovery of America.

    They are both in one ZIP file - (3Kbytes)
    Download the ZIP into the c:/mps/colonize directory.

    Utilities (9Kbytes) by the MPS Sound Department
    Colonization Jukebox. This program lets owners of Colonization enjoy listening to the tunes from the game. Consult the readme file with it to see how to install it. (14Kbytes) by Paul
    Open in c:/mps/colonize directory.
    Allows user to change terrain types, land ownership (by Europeans and Indians), Plough/Road terrain, Discover terrain, change Tax rate and change Fund rate. Very useful utility, allowing you to make first class colony sites with major rivers etc..., land bridges and strategic canals. Map can be edited during play. (2Kbytes)
    Four shortcut Icons that you can use for the Colonization shortcut on your desktop.
    Four Colonization Desktop Icons To install save the icon, make a shortcut to Colonization by left clicking the colonize.exe file at c:/mps/colonize and selecting create shortcut, then left click on the shortcut and select properties, then find target and select your file location.

    American Colonial Flag
    • Note: the Early American Flag pictured above consisted of 13 Red or White stripes for each founding state. Plus a ring of 13 stars also for each founding state. Each time new states joined the Union each got an extra star in the corner, but no extra stripe. Currently there are 50 states, with Alaska and Hawaii being relatively recent entrants. Most joined in the 1800's with the Louisiana Purchase, Spanish American War, and the opening of the West. If Puerto Rico joined the Union it would bring the total to 51.

    • Grand Union Continental Flag Originally the American Colonial Flag had a British Union Flag in the Corner. Known as the Grand Continental or Grand Union. Note: the Union Flag only consisted of the fusion of England's Saint George Flag (a straight red cross on a white background) and Scotland's Saint Andrew Flag (a diagonal white cross on a blue background). Thus the American Flag's Red White and Blue colours come from the British Flags. The British "Union Flag" is commonly referred to as the "Union Jack". But technically this flag is only every used on the top mast of Royal Navy Ships.

    • Note: Ireland's Saint Patrick Flag (a red diagonal cross on a white background) was not then on the British Flag as the act of Union between British and Ireland did not occur until 1801. Scotland and England (including the principality of Wales - "England's first colony" with a massive wave of Royal Castle building to subjugate the Welsh speaking Celts) had joined in the act of Union in 1707. Scotland retaining control of it's Law Courts (with the not proven verdict) and Education System. And got a disproportionately large number of Members of Parliament in comparison to it's population size

    • All three flags plus those of Scandinavia, Malta, and Greece incorporate the Christian Cross. Tri-colour flags came much later. The Red, White, and Blue flag of Revolutionary France being the first. Each colour standing for Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity respectively. The pre-revolutionary Royal French had the Fleur-de-lis Flag. The Bourbon Monarchy returned for a few decades after the Napoleon was exiled.

    • Flags originated in the Crusades in the Levant (Christian Lebanon and the city of Tyre who requested aid from the Pope); Judea-Palestine-Israel; and eastern Anatolia-Asia Minor-Turkey in Christian Armenia (since 300 AD). They were used to distinguish between English, French, German, and Scottish Knights being a cloth worn over the torso armour. The Greek Byzantium Eastern Roman Empire also fought in the Eastern Crusades.

    • Action was also seen in Southern Italy and Scilly - "The Kingdom of the Two Scillies". Principally by the second sons of Norman Knights who could not inherit family lands so where looking to carve out territories of their own from around 999–1017 A.D., and expel the Muslim invaders.

    • The Crusades in the centuries long re-conquest of the Iberian Peninsula were principally fought by the Kingdoms of Aragon and Castile in Northern Spain, but also Portugal, France, England, and Scotland. Once the former Roman province of Hispania. Earlier still the South and East belonged to the Carthaginian Empire of Hannibal and his Elephants but was taken in one of the three Punic Wars (264 BC-146 BC).

    The French and Indian War
    • At the time of the American Revolution the libertarians believed they could negotiate representation in the London Parliament and get lower taxes, caused by the hugely expensive 7 Year French and Indian War (1754-63) that saw their Colonial frontiers secured. Also known as the Seven Years War.

    • The Battle of Québec was won in 1759 by Major General James Wolfe against the Marquis de Montcalm. With France being driven out of the Saint Lawrence River Valley: Québec City and Montréal (French meaning: Mount Royal), and coming under the rule of the British King George III. Plus Lake Ontario and the Niagara Falls area, including upstate New York. Due to the river and lake being inpassable to the French after Québec City fell. Naturally Britain thought the American Colonies should pay a share towards the cost of their own defence. After all the War had been hugely expensive to the British.

    • The Sugar Islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique in the West Indies had been captured by the British during the War but were returned to the French Crown. In return the peace treaty ceded the territory of Québec to the British Crown, and the French Crown gave up all claims to it. Sugar (and Rum?) made a big prohit so this was some compensation.

    • Fort William-Henry in Last of the Mohicans was also involved in the French and Indian War. It is located North of Albany where the Hudson river splits into Western and Northern branches, and a bit further still into the winderness between Québec Province, and New York State. I think the Mohawk tribe still live a round there, and just West of Montréal City Island. They used to walk the high steel in New York City, building Skyscraper frames.

    • Eventually the hugely important Hudson-Erie canal was built in Upstate New York. Opening in 1825 from Albany to Buffalo, New York State. It brought in food and raw materials from the newly opened Midwest states, and sent back manufactured goods and Colonists in return. Eventually making a big prophit for the State of New York. Then followed the 'New York and Erie' Railroad: chartered in 1832 by Governor of New York.

    • The British Fort George on the West Bank of the Niagara River on Lake Ontario, faces the American Fort Niagara on the East Bank of the Niagara River also on Lake Ontario. Thus making the boarder. The Niagara Falls made it impossible for British ships to get from the St. Lawrence River, and Lake Ontario to Lake Erie and the other three Great Lakes. The Saint Lawrence Seaway Canal now links the two lakes. Incidentally Fort York and the Town of Yorktown were founded in 1793 by Lieutenant Governor John Graves Simcoe. The site of modern day Toronto, on Lake Ontario. It was an ideal site for settlement and defence because of its natural harbour and relative longer distance from the United States. Fort George and Fort York are well worth a visit. Fort George is only a short bus ride from Toronto, Ontario Province, Canada.

    • During the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), two British United Empire Loyalist Regiments were involved in the Niagara River / Lake Ontario Region (now Upstate New York). They were the King's Royal Regiment of New York (1776-84), and the Royal Highland Emigrants (1775-1783). I know this because I got a double poster of them while own my 3 Month Backpacking Holiday in Canada in 1990. With sleeping bag and bedrool to insulate against the cold. There were also a few hostals in the major cities that offered cheap accommodation and meals. My Father gave me some money and bought the air ticket for me to go.

    As an aside:
    • Montréal City, Québec Province, Canada held the 1976 Summer Olympics. It has only recently cleared it's debt of $1.5-billion. In September 2006. The old building of the Olympics are still there and of some interest to tourists.

    • Also, the Québec Conference (codenamed "QUADRANT"), a highly secret military conference between the British, Canadian and United States governments. The conference was held in Québec City (17-24 August 1943) during World War II. It took place at the Citadelle and at the Château Frontenac. The chief representatives were Prime Minister Winston Churchill, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. It decided the D-Day Invasion of Normandy from Southern Britain for 1944.

    • And... The Montreal Metro (French: Métro de Montréal) is a rubber-tired metro system, and the main form of public transportation underground in the city of Montréal. The Metro was inaugurated in 1966 with 26 stations, and now has 68. It has underground shops, and covered links to Apartment Blocks. As it can get very cold in the Canadian Winter.

    The British East India Company
    • The above War was part of a Global 7 year Conflict between France and Great Britain. It extended to India where they fought for control of coastal trading ports. Dyes, Spice, and possibly Silk, and Tea were highly sort after. Later Cotton was grown in India, weaved in Northern England, and sent back as Cloth - thus making money. There is a Weaver, Weaver's House, Weaver's Shop, and Textile Mill in Colonization.

      The British had European and Indian Sepoy Troops. And the Indians opposed them with French Muskets, and Officers for tactical advice. I believe the Red / Saffron Dye in the English then British Army Uniform came from India, during the time of the English Civil War (1642–1651) between Oliver Cromwell (for Parliament in Red) and King Charles I (reigning 1625-1649). King Charles I was second son of King James VI of Scotland, and born in 1600. His father succeeded Queen Elizabeth I and came to the throne of England as King James I in 1603.

    • Indigo Dye was grown in the Southern United States and was used by the French, and Union Armies in their Uniforms; and Blue Cotton Jeans. It has the same chemical makeup of woad but is cheaper to cultivate. Woad was grown in Britain and wasn't destroyed by the Romans as some think. It was presumably used in the Scotish Flag. The ancient [Celtic] Britons painted themselves blue and scared the Romans during Julius Caesar's Visit. Woad must have died out after Indigo was discovered. Rice and Indigo grow in the swamp land of the Southern United States i.e. the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. A quarter Black man was usually used to pick the Indigo. Cotton was picked by people of Colour as it was a hot boring job, people of African Decent are better at boring jobs. There may now be a machine to pick Cotton.

    • Tea is drunk a lot by the British. Ever since Britian Industrialised in circa. 1750 people have worked in Factories. Generally you get 15 minutes Tea break in the morning, and afternoon. And 30 minutes, or 1 hour for Lunch. Tea helps you concentrate on your work. So does Coffee, which comes from Kenya, Tanzania, and Central America. Neither were drunk much until the Kettle was invented to boil water. Tea also helps you think about problems, and improves concentration.

    • The East India Company founded the trading port of Madras in Southeastern India in 1639, with a Garrison to Protect it's interests. The Red Dye may have come from around here; as well as Pepper, which made bad meat taste better before the refrigerator.

    • King Charles II (reigning 1660-85). Married: 1661 to Catherine of Braganza, Portugal; gaining the territories of Tangier and Bombay. The latter had a major influence on the development of the British Empire in India.

    • An aside: The "Royal Society of London" was founded in 1660, it was granted a Royal Charter by King Charles II. The Society today acts as a scientific advisor to the British government, receiving a parliamentary grant-in-aid. In 1821 Michael Faraday of the Royal Society discovered Electricity, including a large Capacitor, a Motor, and a Dynamo (used to make electricity by rotating it's magnets i.e. like a power station turbine functions).

    • Royal Navy Man-O-War, and French Man-O-War guarded their home countries. One or two big Wooden Ships, Transports, and Frigates went to foreign ports bringing supplies, and troops; and defending the High Seas.

    • The Boston Tea Party was caused by the dumping of excess tea by the British East India Company on American Markets. The Tea was actually cheaper than that sold by American Merchants even after tax. But they saw their profits going up in smoke so dressed as American Indians and tipped the newly imported Tea into Boston harbour. Thus causing the British Parliament to boycott Tea, so American's started drinking Coffee instead.

    • King George the III was born in 1738 and reigned until his death from 1760-1820. His Grandfather King George I was Elector (of the Holy Roman Empire, a loose German confederation - famously said to be neither of the three) of Hanover (North-west Germany). Who was distantly related to the British Royal family (as most European monarchies inter-married to secure peace, and alliances). But could speak no English, only German. Also know as the Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg which became a Kingdom in 1814 after the first fall of the French Emperor Napoleon. The German Speaking Hessian Mercenaries who fought with the British came from his Kingdom.

    • King George III suffered from mental illness during his reign so his son, the Future King George IV acted as Prince Regent in his place. Spending much of his time to the seaside town of Brighton, 60 miles south of London. Also known as "London-by-Sea". There he built the Royal Pavilion modelled on Muslim-Indian architecture on the outside (reflecting Britain's growing influence in India), and Chinese style inside. Britain at this time brought most of its highly expensive tea from China. As not many Tea plantations had yet been setup in India and Ceylon at this time.

    Play Colonization at Viceroy level (61Kbytes) by Patrick Frémont (23Kbtyes) Colonization V2.0 FAQ
    by Jim Cox edited Version 1.0 by Dar Steckelberg ?
    This FAQ contains Introduction, Known Bugs (and fixes), Game Mechanics, Game Strategies and Tables sections. It is very useful and even told me a few things about the game I didn't know. (10Kbytes)
    Winning at Colonization or Economic Warfare for fun and profit (7Kbytes)
    Review : Colonization (subtitled "Create a New Nation"), 1994 (6Kbytes) Colonization Walkthrough

    Translation Downloads
    • I think Colonization has the option of choosing to play in English, French or German. However I'm not sure if all versions have this.
    • The downloads below can be used to convert Colonization to another language. All language information is stored in .txt files. Just download the relevant ZIP file and overwrite the current files in your c:/mps/colonization directory. Make sure you make backups first in case something goes wrong.
    • The downloads have files like:
      Game.txt	Labels.txt	Menu.txt	Names.txt
      Opening.txt	Pedia.txt	Woodcut.txt	...
      But NOT the main game files, so you still have to buy the game if you don't have it.

    Dutch Translation (38.5Kbytes)
    English Flag
    English Translation (66Kbytes)
    French Flag
    French Translation (60Kbytes)
    German Flag
    German Translation (68Kbytes)

    Spanish Translation (61Kbytes)
    Polish Flag
    Polish Translation (78Kbytes)

    Russian Translation (80Kbytes)
    To write a translation for your own language edit the .txt files in c:/mps/colonize (and Email me a copy to include here). The most important files are (don't change words beginning with @):
    • Colony.txt - includes Colony names and date of founding for all 4 powers, used when the computer suggests names when founding a Colony
    • Debug.txt - used in the cheat menu?
    • Game.txt - BIG file has most words that will need translating.
    • Label.txt
    • Mapedit.txt - you may not have this as it is an add-on
    • Menu.txt
    • Names.txt - names for Terrain, Special Resources, Countries, Leaders, Difficulty Level, Buildings, Colonist Skills, Cargo, Military Units, Tribes and Founding Fathers and a few other things.
    • Pedia.txt - for all entries in the Colonizopedia
    • Tribe.txt - places locations for Indian tribes. NOT required for translation but SCENARIO writers please note, may help to choose locations of tribes on custom designed maps.
    • woodcut.txt - text for the pictures you get for the first time you: 'Meet fellow Europeans', 'Enter Indian Villages' etc...
    You could probably get away with changing just the Names.txt file, it is quite small. But it would also be good to change the Game.txt file as well.

    If anyone has .txt files for other languages please E-mail the Webmaster.